Nollywood actor Ibrahim Chatta has opened up on his past struggles as a bus conductor. In an interview with his colleague, Biola Bayo, for her Talk to B podcast, he revealed that he once lived in a room with 9 people, and it was difficult. He said he would walk from Agege to Ikeja and even worked as a bus conductor for eight years......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>
The talented actor noted how he has worked so hard in life and prayed that God crowns his efforts.
“I lived in a room with 9 people and it was difficult. I do walk from Agege to Ikeja back then. I became a bus conductor later. I did it for eight years of my life. Working from Iyan Oba, Oshodi Eko, from one bus to another. I have worked so hard in life, may God crown my effort”.
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