Effects Of Zobo Drink And All Of Its Benefits For You

If the phrase zobo drink does not make any sense to you, then you probably know this drink as hibiscus tea, sour tea, or karkade. Zobo drink is a familiar beverage loved by Nigerians. It is produced from dried roselle or sorrel leaves (Hibiscus Sabdariffa). This bright red drink is loved both for every day and as a refreshment drink at parties. This drink has many advantages: it is readily available, affordable, tasty, refreshing, and has many nutritious benefits......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

Zobo drink

Hibiscus is the calyx of the hibiscus plant, which grows mostly in tropical and subtropical regions and is the main ingredient in Zobo drink’s preparation.

The seeds, stem, leaves, and flowers of the hibiscus plant have all been used in traditional medicine.
How to make Zobo drink

Zobo drinks are usually served as a chilled refreshing drink. It is loaded with lots of benefits.


6 cups zobo leave
1 big whole pineapple
2 tablespoons of cloves (konafuru)
Pineapple peels (the skin of the pineapple)
2 stumps fresh ginger

Slices of citrus fruits of your choice: orange, lemon, lime

Preparation steps

Rinse the zobo leaves with cold water.
Grind the cloves into a powder.
Wash and peel the skin of the ginger and blend roughly.
Wash, peel and cut the pineapple into thin slices.
In a pot, add the washed zobo leaves and pour enough water to cover them totally.
Cook on medium heat and leave to boil for a few minutes.
Add the ginger and then garlic, add more water and keep boiling for at least 30 minutes. This is the time it will take for the zobo leaves to be completely soft.

Turn off the heat and set it aside to cool down completely.
Blend your pineapples while your zobo cools.
When cool, sieve out the zobo leaves. Then pour the juice through a chiffon cloth to remove tiny particles and leave only a smooth juice.

Add the pineapple juice. You can sieve it through the chiffon cloth again to make sure there are no particles left.
Add any artificial flavors of your choice at a time and stir.
Pour into bottles and refrigerate.
Serve with ice and sliced fruits. Enjoy it alone or with a snack.

People from all over the world enjoy this drink regularly due to its many benefits. So, what are some of the advantages and drawbacks of this zobo beverage?

Benefit of zobo drink

What are some of the benefits of zobo drink? Zobo is not only refreshing but can also be used for various purposes in our bodies. Zobo is a very beneficial drink that helps treat many problems and helps our mind and body relax.

Here is some nutritional value of zobo drink:

Promoting the growth of our docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid that is a primary structural component of the human brain, cerebral cortex, skin, and retina.
Cures insomnia.
Prevents inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys.
Fixing the body’s metabolism and delaying the onset of menopause.
Eradicating tuberculosis virus.
Helps our digestive system.
Aids weight loss.
Increasing our stamina and immunity system.
Detoxify the body.
Decreases blood pressure, cholesterol, and uric acid.
Resolving cough, mouth ulcer, and sore throat.
Help relieve migraines.
Smoothing our skin and reducing wrinkles
It is packed with vitamin C.
It has several antibacterial properties.

However, it is important to remember that even though it can be helpful in various ways, there are certain disadvantages of karkade one should know about and be careful with.

Here are some side effect of zobo drink.

Excess of vitamin C – The drink contains more vitamin C than that in tomato, orange and chili put together. As a result, drinking too much of it can cause real stomach disturbances such as stomach aches, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Lowering of blood pressure – People with low blood pressure should avoid drinking Zobo Tea.
Effect of hallucination – The drink can decrease your concentration and focus, making you feel light-headed and sleepy.
Lowers estrogen level – Consumption of much drink has been shown to reduce estrogen level.

Zobo drink and menstruation

The scholars say that hibiscus’ properties work in such a way that they stimulate the menstrual cycle. This is another example of the benefits and risks of hibiscus tea that are beneficial to some but can be a risk to others.

For some women, inducing menstruation is a good thing. If you have an irregular cycle, it can actually help regulate your period. Or, even if you are already regular, you can brew a cup of hibiscus tea to help with cramps.

However, taking a zobo drink in pregnancy is not recommended. The hibiscus drink carries the highest risk for pregnant women. By inducing menstruation, it increases your chance of having a miscarriage.

Even if you are only trying to conceive, it is still not advised to drink hibiscus. It could make your chances of conception a lot harder.

You should also avoid hibiscus if you are taking any birth control pills or are breastfeeding.

Does zobo drink give blood? The zobo drinks possess haematocrit properties that result in higher levels of blood volume and may be used for the management of anaemia. They also possess the ability to reduce white blood cells count.

Now, as you realize what to expect, you might change your attitude to zobo drink and either drink it more frequently or cut it out of your daily ration. But bear all these factors in mind when considering consuming zobo drink on a daily basis.
