If a Fish Bone Enters Your Throat, Don’t Panic Do These Things To Save Your Life

When a fish bone gets stuck in your throat, it can be a highly distressing situation. However, it’s important to stay calm and take the right steps to avoid further harm......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>

Fish bones are commonly thin, sharp, and can easily lodge in the throat or esophagus, causing discomfort, pain, and, in some cases, more severe injuries. Here’s what you should do if this happens.

1. Stay Calm

Panic can make the situation worse. While it’s natural to feel alarmed, try to remain calm so you can think clearly and act quickly. Take a few deep breaths to steady your nerves.

2. Cough Forcefully

One of the first things you should try is to cough forcefully. Coughing can sometimes dislodge the bone, especially if it is near the surface of the throat or not deeply embedded. It’s important not to swallow or drink anything too quickly at this stage, as it may push the bone deeper.

3. Drink Water or Eat Soft Food

If the fish bone remains stuck, drinking a glass of water might help wash it down. Alternatively, some people suggest eating soft, moist foods, such as bread or a banana. These foods can help push the bone down the esophagus, as they’re soft and can easily pass through without causing further damage.

4. Use Oil.

Some people have had success using oil, such as olive oil, to lubricate the throat. This might help ease the bone down, especially if it’s caught in a narrow part of the throat. Swallowing a small amount of oil can help soothe the area and may move the bone down.

5. Seek Medical Attention

If the fish bone remains lodged in your throat, or if you’re unable to remove it on your own, it’s crucial to seek medical help immediately. A doctor can use tools such as an endoscope to locate and safely remove the bone. In rare cases, if the bone punctures the esophagus or causes an infection, more serious medical interventions, such as surgery, may be required.

6. Signs of Complications

If you start experiencing severe pain, difficulty swallowing, or a feeling of something stuck in your throat even after trying these methods, it’s important to see a doctor. Additionally, signs of infection, such as fever, swelling, or pus, should be addressed immediately to prevent further complications.


To avoid such incidents in the future, always chew your food carefully, especially fish, and be mindful of bones. For those with young children, be extra cautious when serving fish.

In conclusion, while the experience of having a fish bone stuck in your throat can be distressing, there are several immediate actions you can take. Staying calm and trying simple remedies like coughing, drinking water, or eating soft foods can often resolve the issue. However, if these don’t work, medical intervention is essential for your safety.
