In the small town of Gboko, Benue State, a sad story has emerged, shining a light on the hardships faced by a single mother. Recently, a young woman, raising two children on her own, was allegedly caught stealing a goat. This incident has stirred deep emotions in the community, bringing attention to the difficult situations single mothers often face......Read The Full Article>>.....Read The Full Article>>
The full details of the incident are not yet clear, but what is known is that this woman, burdened with caring for her children, was caught a few days ago. The story was shared by a local resident named Ahar Galu, who spoke with the woman.
According to Galu, the woman is a single mother of two, struggling to make ends meet. While it is still uncertain what led her to allegedly steal the goat, the pressure of providing for her family might have pushed her to this desperate act.